In this inaugural episode of Quick Points with Pastor Steve which was originally recorded as a video on May 25th, 2020, Pastor Steve discusses “Sacrifice.”

This episode was originally released under the banner of The Christ Vision Media Network. CVMN was a media ministry of Diakonos Independent Ministries of Maryland.

Podcast Transcript

13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:13 (NLT)

Jesus spoke these words not long before facing the cross.

As a minister, I talk a lot about the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross, and there is indeed no greater love or sacrifice than Jesus gave.

But today, I’m not going to talk about that.

Today I want to put John 15:13 on your hearts and minds in regard to the sacrifice of others.

For my international friends, This Weekend here in the United States of America we have the holiday Memorial Day.

This is a day we celebrate the lives of those who paid the ultimate price of their lives to defend our freedoms as a nation.

John 15:13 is about selfless sacrifice

Instead of just focusing on those who sacrificed their lives for my nation, I want to expand upon this. I would like us to recognize those that sacrificed in other ways.

  • Those who came home psychologically injured,

  • those who came home with a permanent and life-altering injury,

  • the families that have to endure changes in their lifestyle or healing from their loss.

I have known many wonderful people who have served my country, and I’ve known several others who have served their own nations. We’ve have had soldiers of other nations sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy in my country, and I think they deserve the same recognition.

I think especially this year is a good time to reflect and pray for these souls, but also for those who may not have made the sacrifice of injury or life but have put themselves in dangerous situations for the betterment of mankind.

Worldwide there are thousands upon thousands of people helping to combat this COVID-19 Pandemic.

  • Doctors

  • Nurses

  • First Responders

  • Community Organizations

The list is ever-growing of those answering the call against this virus.

So, I ask you all to pray and remember all these people this weekend, and beyond. They too have made a sacrifice and deserve love and recognition too.

To all that put yourself in the path of danger or have paid with your lives for our benefit. I offer this prayer,

Heavenly wonderful Father,

Great is your name and majesty as we await the coming of your kingdom and the blessings you bring upon us.

Lord, we pray for those who have given their lives to protect the freedoms and lives of others and the families they leave behind.

We pray for those that have given a piece of themselves to the same causes and the daily struggle for them to carry on with that sacrifice.

Lord, we pray for those who are fighting the battle against the COVID-19 virus and ask for your covering protection for them as they endanger themselves to help others.

We thank you for the sacrifice of your Son Jesus who gave his earthly life to cover our sins.

In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

I’m Pastor Steve Hofmeister, and I thank you for taking your precious time to watch this. May God Bless You and your Families.

About Your Host

Rev. Steven D. Hofmeister

“Pastor Steve”

Pastor Steve serves as the Senior Pastor & President of Diakonos Independent Ministries of Maryland in Abingdon, Maryland.

Pastor Steve is also the host of the Quick Points with Pastor Steve Podcast on Spotify, and writes articles regularly on multiple websites. He is involved in many community oriented projects ranging from public school reform issues to general community support and outreach.